Saturday, March 27, 2010


I have so many blogposts that I want to put up. Today I got some really exciting finds from Target and Sally's. I will do a post on what I got later, but I need to upload the photos to the computer, and I am feeling pretty lazy. I am trying to post as frequently as I can, but it has proven itself to be difficult. I was watching Julie and Julia today and it gave me hope to keep writing on my blog. People could be reading it, but they aren't leaving comments. I have barely posted anything so I am not too discouraged.

Right now I am wearing China Glaze's Heli-YUM from the Up, Up, & Away Collection. I am really falling in love with China Glaze. I still love OPI, but China Glaze is just as nice, and it is cheaper. I am a nail polish junkie. I have so many nail polishes that I bought and haven't even used yet. Can someone say addiction? I realize I have that problem, and I'm working on it. I absolutely love makeup too, but I don't buy it in as big of quantities as nail polish. I will try really hard to post my haul tomorrow...

My mom did the sweetest thing for me and bought me some candles from this little shop. They will be in the pictures in the upcoming post. This post is jumping from one thing to the next. I really am just typing what I am thinking. Oh I got New Moon today. I couldn't help it when I was at Target. I also have the Twilight special addition. Normally I wait for DVDs to be cheap but I really like the Twilight series. Twilight was a cheesy movie, but I still loved it. I'm a bit of a fan since I fell in love with the books. They were so addicting. I love reading, but rarely do I find a book that I stay up till 3 AM even though I know I have to wake up early the next day.

Alright so I think that is all I had to say for a quick post. PS You will see in my next post, but I have been trying to have more artistic pictures that aren't just plain jane. Comment and tell me how you like them. That is if you are reading this.......


Monday, March 22, 2010


Alright so I know I promised great things about posting once everyday for a week, but I couldn't. School makes it very difficult to do this, so I guess I shouldn't promise things I can't keep. I justify it with not very many people reading this blog... haha. Onto the reason why I decided to post. On Saturday I really wanted to relax and forget the stress of the previous week. I had the house to myself, so I watched some tv, did some homework yadayadayada. I painted my nails Do You Lilac It? by OPI, the perfect spring color. Except it snowed on Saturday, and it was chilly on Sunday. Last week was the perfect sunny warm weather and then this weekend happened.

Sorry for the messy paint job and what not. Everytime I paint my nails I will try to take a picture, so I can post it on the blog. I will also get better at taking the picture I hope. I also did my Queen Helene Mint Julep mask which I love. (got it at ulta, but I think you can find it at some drugstores) I went to dinner with my sister and saw Shutter Island which was pretty good. Definately not what I thought it would be plot wise. Go see if you have some money and time. I was thinking about seeing Remember Me, and I still want to see it, but the reviews were pretty bad. I think that movie is something I will go rent. On Sunday I did a little shopping at Victoria's Secret. I absolutely love their PINK line. It's a little expensive, but I love it. I have been buying waaay too many things from there. I thought I would include some pictures of what I got.
This is a V- neck tshirt dress which I got for $10. I am a part of the PINK nation and I get little deals like this all the time. I have gotten a free undie and perfume sample also. Join This isn't available online so I had to take a picture of it myself. I would rather have a model show it off, but no luck. This is so much cuter on than it looks. I would pair it with black leggings, but you could wear it by itself I think.

This next thing is this floral dress. It is so cute! I am going to wear it as my Easter dress with a small black cardigan that I have had forever. I will definitely wear it during the summer and spring. This gets me so excited to get more spring/ summer clothes. I hope to do haul type blog posts! Tell me what you think. I purchased everything mentioned, and I am not involved with any companies. Have a great day!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Ok so I don't really have anything to post today. Let's just say that today was not a great day.... Anyways I guess I can do a product rave... I really love Aussie's 3 minute miracle in moist. It is a great deep conditioner that is quick so I can use it on a regular basis. I usually buy these deep conditioners that you have to leave in for 15 minutes and then rinse off. For my busy schedule, I really can't do that. This product smells so good, reminds me of a pina colada and its reasonably priced.

Monday, March 15, 2010

40 Beauty Questions TAG

Ok so I thought this would be a great break the ice kind of blog.. haha. Anyways this is 40 questions that many bloggers have already answered. I absolutely love reading these so I hope you will too. :)


How many times do you wash your face daily?

I try so hard to do it 2 times a day. I am really bad at night, even though that is more important because you want to wash off your makeup. When my laziness wins I just use a MAC makeup wipe and off to bed I go.

What type of skin do you have? (dry, oily combo)

I have combo. I tend to be a little greasy in my t-zone but the rest of my face is on the dryer side.

What is your current face wash"

Mary Kay's Velocity Facial Cleanser (I have been really wanting to try the Clinique 3 step system. We will see I guess)

Do you exfoliate?


What brand do you use?

I have this Clean and Clear Morning Facial thing that is kind of exfoliating. I really need to get a real exfoliater though. >>>>>>>
What moisturizer do you use?
Mary Kay Velocity Lightweight Moisturizer (again i want the 3 step)
Do you have freckles?
Do you use an eye cream?
Nope, but I really need to...
Did you or do you have acne prone skin?
No, and thank God!
Did you ever have to use Pro-activ?
No I have heard mixed reviews. It works for some, doesn't for others. And it doesn't claim to be a miracle worker either...
What foundation do you use?
I don't use one at the current moment.
How about concealer?
I use MAC's Select Moisturecover in NW15 (I use this for under eye circles that I am cursed with)
Do you knwo your undertone color?
I am not really sure about this but I think I am cool with pink undertones.
What do you think of fake eyelashes?
Never used them... They look pretty though.
Did you know you are supposed to change your mascara every 3 months?
Yes, but I don't really follow that at all.
What brand of mascara do you use?
Loreal Telescopic I believe.
Sephora or MAC?
MAC because I don't have any big Sephora's by me. But I really love Sephora :(
Do you have a MAC pro card?
No, but I wish
What makeup tools do you use in makup application?
Mainly brushes and fingers.
Do you always use a base/primer for your eyes?
Yes Urban Decay Primer Potion
For the face?
What is your favorite eyeshadow (color or shade)?
Mainly neutral colors. I really wish I had the guts to wear brighter shades.
Do you use pencil or liquid liner?
How ofter do you poke your eyes with an eyeliner pencil?
I don't think I ever have.
What do you think of pigment eyeshadows? Beautiful, but tooo too messy for me
Do you use mineral makeup?
If MAC's mineralized skinfinish counts..
What is your favorite lipstick?
I don't really wear lipstick.
MAC's dazzleglass in goldilocks. loveee
What is your favorite blush to use?
I only have one blush right now :( and its MAC's fun and games from hello kitty.
Do you buy makeup on Ebay?
Do you like drugstore makeup?
Depends, but for the most part yes
Do you go to CCO's?
If I can
Did you ever consider taking makeup classes?
I would love to
Are you clumsy with putting on makeup?
Sometimes in the morning
Name a makeup crime that you hate.
TOO MUCH BLACK EYELINER. You look like you have racoon eyes if you don't work with it correctly.
Do you like colorful shades or neutral shades of makeup?
Probably neutral
Which celebrity always has great makeup?
Hmmm Blake Lively, Kim Kardashian, and Lauren Conrad
If you could leave the house with only ONE makeup item, what would it be?
Could you ever leave the house without makeup on?
Do you think you look good without makeup?
In your opinion, what is the best makeup line?
MAC I think....
What do you think about makeup?
Love it :)
WHEEEEEWW that was alot. Do this tag on your own blog and leave me a link. I would love to see your responses!


Welcome to this Blog

This is my first blogpost for this blog. I have been really inspired by some of the blogs I follow, and have decided to do one myself. I have done a blog before, but I never really got into it. This blog will be about makeup, fashion, hair, and nails. (pretty much everything beauty related lol :P) Please follow and leave comments! Tell other people about this blog too. Anyways to start of this blog I will try to do at least one blog post per day. After the first week I will try to update a couple times a week. I would really love all the feedback I can get :). This blog will pretty much have everything and anything on it. This is just the intro to the blog, and I will hopefully post something else today that is more interesting than this. Ok well I don't think I can ramble too much longer.... Have a nice day! :)
