Monday, March 22, 2010


Alright so I know I promised great things about posting once everyday for a week, but I couldn't. School makes it very difficult to do this, so I guess I shouldn't promise things I can't keep. I justify it with not very many people reading this blog... haha. Onto the reason why I decided to post. On Saturday I really wanted to relax and forget the stress of the previous week. I had the house to myself, so I watched some tv, did some homework yadayadayada. I painted my nails Do You Lilac It? by OPI, the perfect spring color. Except it snowed on Saturday, and it was chilly on Sunday. Last week was the perfect sunny warm weather and then this weekend happened.

Sorry for the messy paint job and what not. Everytime I paint my nails I will try to take a picture, so I can post it on the blog. I will also get better at taking the picture I hope. I also did my Queen Helene Mint Julep mask which I love. (got it at ulta, but I think you can find it at some drugstores) I went to dinner with my sister and saw Shutter Island which was pretty good. Definately not what I thought it would be plot wise. Go see if you have some money and time. I was thinking about seeing Remember Me, and I still want to see it, but the reviews were pretty bad. I think that movie is something I will go rent. On Sunday I did a little shopping at Victoria's Secret. I absolutely love their PINK line. It's a little expensive, but I love it. I have been buying waaay too many things from there. I thought I would include some pictures of what I got.
This is a V- neck tshirt dress which I got for $10. I am a part of the PINK nation and I get little deals like this all the time. I have gotten a free undie and perfume sample also. Join This isn't available online so I had to take a picture of it myself. I would rather have a model show it off, but no luck. This is so much cuter on than it looks. I would pair it with black leggings, but you could wear it by itself I think.

This next thing is this floral dress. It is so cute! I am going to wear it as my Easter dress with a small black cardigan that I have had forever. I will definitely wear it during the summer and spring. This gets me so excited to get more spring/ summer clothes. I hope to do haul type blog posts! Tell me what you think. I purchased everything mentioned, and I am not involved with any companies. Have a great day!

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