Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Better You

I have decided that I need to become healthier. I'm not really going on a diet... it's more like a lifestyle change. I want to start running and working out, eating healthier, taking vitamins, etc. You only have one life to live so why not be healthy. Starting Friday I will be running in the mornings, and really beginning my healthier lifestyle. This change doesn't mean that I will never eat unhealthy again, but hopefully less. I'm really tired of having extra little fat that I think I can easily get rid of. I am not going to really keep track of weight or anything.... more just how I feel and look overall. Hopefully by the end of summer I will reap some rewards of my hard work. I will do random updates on my progress and share secrets, tips, and what not with you guys!

On another note, I want to get into self tanners (sunless tan). I want to be tanner, but not because of the sun. Tanning from the sun (that also includes tanning beds!! They are just as bad and possibly even worse!!!!!!!) can be very unhealthy and have serious consequences... I'm just saying. Right now I am starting of with Jergens Natural Glow in medium. I will see if it really works or not and let you know. Next week is finals!!! And then the school year is over. I have been so busy, hence the no posts and all. Oh well I promise to keep you guys updated! I am going to go shopping later on today... so haul later?? Ehh anyone?? Haha I will probably do one if you guys want.


Did you all like the quotes in the last post? Do you want more? Leave me a comment!


Viva La Fashion said...

i'm starting to run more now too! i don't want to be super skinny, i just want to be fit and strong. :)

Cathy said...

So SORRY that I didn't get to your comment sooner! I took a little break from blogging, but I am back. I was doing well with exercising... I was running at least every other day, but I don't know what happened. It's always good to be healthy. Hopefully I can get back on track and update everyone!