Thursday, July 15, 2010


Hey, Everyone! I got back this weekend, and am doing fine. I know I have been MIA! I don't know what is up with me but I have been feeling sooo tired and sluggish. I haven't been able to fall asleep at night, and it has thrown me off. That is the reason I haven't even given you guys an update. I just unpacked my suitcase and cleaned up my room today. This whole week I have been just really off, but I will resume posting like I was doing before! I have decided to to just push myself and do all the things that I want to do even though I have no energy and feel lazy. :) I have tons of great ideas for future posts so don't worry!

What did I do this week you ask? Monday I was feeling fine, and was really productive. I was busy the whole day and didn't have a chance to blog. All of a sudden Tuesday I was just sooo tired and didn't do anything. I took the day to watch some tv. (I have been watching the second season of Heroes. :) I can't help it I am addicted.) Yesterday I went with my sister on a little road trip. She had to stop by some places and do some errands, but after that we went out to lunch and visited cool little shops. I picked up a couple of things that I will talk about more in a later post. Today I got myself up and got my room cleaned and now I am blogging. By the way I am sooooo hungry right now.

Some future blog posts?
  • My first experience with fake nails. (There was a reason that I haven't done them before.) 
  • Outfit of the day/ what I bought at this little shop
  • Makeup/ nail polish that I bought before my vacation
Those are just some of the immediate ones that I will be writing. Since I have nothing to do right now, I will be a blogging machine and write posts that I will publish in the future!

Everyone is soooo great and I appreciate all the comments I receive. :)

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