Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Versatile Blogger

I can't tell Gina how much I appreciate this award! This is my first award, so I'm a little excited! Hopefully the first of many, right?

Ok so onto the Rules:

1. Thank the person who gave you the award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award onto a few bloggers who you have recently discovered.
4. Let these bloggers know that you have awarded them the Versatile Blogging Award.

Hmmm... seven things about me. These are all going to be right off the top of my head. :)

1. I have become obsessed with dresses. I just like the idea of throwing on one thing. It has been really hot this week, so I have been wanting to throw on something simple such as this dress: 

2. I don't travel. I would love to travel, but I have never left the country of the United States. :( BOOO I will have to change that soon.

3. I have a HUGE nailpolish collection. I mean it is unnecessary for one person to have that much nail polish. I would love to get a nail polish rack, but I am unsure where I should get one. (Considering price of shipping, customer service, etc.) Do you girls know any place?

4. I love to read. Ever since I learned to read in Kindergarten, I have been a big reader. I am almost always reading a book, and at some times multiple books.

5. I have a theory that little kids and animals like me. I don't know if this is just physcological thing or if it is actually true... Now time to put a picture of a little boy and a puppy. :)

6. I still sleep with a quilt that my aunt made me when I was a baby. It is really ragged looking, but I can't let it go. When I was younger, I refused to sleep somewhere without my special blankie. I would also drag it around wherever I went inside my house.

7. I love fashion magazines. I love the ads because they are art to me. They are great inspiration to my everday life. 


Now it is time to tag 7 people. :)

chikisnails She has some great nail swatches if you are into nail polish like me. :)

Chrysanthemum She has a combination of nail and makeup posts. Love her

Chic Geek If you aren't following her, you need to be. She is soooo nice!

Ariel She is super pretty! I mean all of the girls I mentioned are gorgeous!

Thank you for reading this!



Anonymous said...

Aw thank you for passing it on to me! Congrats on your award! xx

Caitlin said...

Hey Cathy! Congrats on getting the award and thanks for passing it on to me! I love your blog, keep up the great work! :)

Gina said...

i haven't traveled much either and i love books too! such great seven facts :)

keep up the awesome blogging!

xo, gina

Devea said...

Thanks for tagging me! I SO agree with you about the fashion magazines, some people are just like "Ew the clothes are so big and who would ever wear that?" and I just think "It's supposed to be for art! You don't have to WEAR everything, its for inspiration!!"

tasha~ said...

Thanks for the tag! Cute post ;)

Radiant Make Up said...

congrats x
Love the post x

Cathy said...

Your all so welcome for the tag! Thanks for leaving me a comment!