Tuesday, July 27, 2010

You Inspire Me

I feel like I have been in tune with my creative side this week... This weekend I went shopping, and found tons of cute things for my room. Would you guys like a room decor post? The things I bought are really inexpensive and they add a lot of character to my room.

Not only that but I have been listening to a ton of music lately, and trying to discover new bands. I am all about little known bands and such. By the way, Pandora= LOVE. I listen to Pandora Radio on my iPod ALL the time.

I have been reading a ton of books lately also. I like to put on some music and just sit back and read. So relaxing! I read the Blue Blood Series by Melissa De La Cruz. The books are really adventure packed and an easy read. They have vampires, love, and more all in one series. :) I also read Shanghai Girls by Lisa See, which was really good. It helped me to understand the Chinese culture a lot. I really love learning about different cultures, it is fascinating to me.

Last, but not least, dancing has inspired me. No I don't know how to dance, but I do watch So You Think You Can Dance. I wish I could take a dance class so badly. But I am afraid, I am not under 10 years old, and that makes it difficult to take a class. :( BOOO! I would love to take a laid back dance class with people my age. I don't want to become a professional dancer or anything, I just want to learn the basics.

Look at that girls body! How can it be possible to do that? I envy that so much.

This picture is from a previous season, but you get the point. Dancers have such lean perfect bodies. Sigh... They make me want to get into super shape like them. Watching them dance gives me goosebumps! It is so amazing the combination of dance and music. These people inspire me so much.

What inspires you all? Sorry I have been MIA for a little while. I guess I was just busy being inspired! Haha Well I am off to watch Chelsea Lately now.
Love you all!


Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Versatile Blogger

I can't tell Gina how much I appreciate this award! This is my first award, so I'm a little excited! Hopefully the first of many, right?

Ok so onto the Rules:

1. Thank the person who gave you the award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award onto a few bloggers who you have recently discovered.
4. Let these bloggers know that you have awarded them the Versatile Blogging Award.

Hmmm... seven things about me. These are all going to be right off the top of my head. :)

1. I have become obsessed with dresses. I just like the idea of throwing on one thing. It has been really hot this week, so I have been wanting to throw on something simple such as this dress: 

2. I don't travel. I would love to travel, but I have never left the country of the United States. :( BOOO I will have to change that soon.

3. I have a HUGE nailpolish collection. I mean it is unnecessary for one person to have that much nail polish. I would love to get a nail polish rack, but I am unsure where I should get one. (Considering price of shipping, customer service, etc.) Do you girls know any place?

4. I love to read. Ever since I learned to read in Kindergarten, I have been a big reader. I am almost always reading a book, and at some times multiple books.

5. I have a theory that little kids and animals like me. I don't know if this is just physcological thing or if it is actually true... Now time to put a picture of a little boy and a puppy. :)

6. I still sleep with a quilt that my aunt made me when I was a baby. It is really ragged looking, but I can't let it go. When I was younger, I refused to sleep somewhere without my special blankie. I would also drag it around wherever I went inside my house.

7. I love fashion magazines. I love the ads because they are art to me. They are great inspiration to my everday life. 


Now it is time to tag 7 people. :)

chikisnails She has some great nail swatches if you are into nail polish like me. :)

Chrysanthemum She has a combination of nail and makeup posts. Love her

Chic Geek If you aren't following her, you need to be. She is soooo nice!

Ariel She is super pretty! I mean all of the girls I mentioned are gorgeous!

Thank you for reading this!


Saturday, July 17, 2010

Fake Nails Review

While I was away, you all know I was with my cousin. Well when we went to Wal-Mart together we happend to walk by the fake nail area. It was a spur of the moment decision, and we decided that we would put on fake nails. I don't know what overcame me because I am not a big fan of fake nails. I think it was a slight delusional moment... Anyways I made a little review down below for you guys, so scroll down for more. :)

So I got Kiss Everlasting French Nails. It even says it is better than Salon Nails. In the picture the nails look really nice, don't they? From afar they are very comparable to salon nails. Although I have never gotten fake nails at a salon, I know people who do.

Appearance: I mean how it looks is the most important point right? Up close you can see the glue because the glue is pink colored. You see exactly how the glue dried, and you all probably know that glue doesn't dry perfect... The pink color is nice, but there is no way to make it smooth and even. I don't even know if I am explaining this so you can understand haha. My sister noticed my nails and asked if I got them done. I told her I did it myself, so she looked up close and she noticed that it wasn't perfect. To some people, just looking good from afar is all they care about. I, however, prefer it to look nice both ways. The length was medium, and was way too long for me, so I had to file them a bit.

Application: The application was sooo easy. I just picked the size and filed them a bit in case they didn't fit. All you had to do was put some glue on the fake and natural nail, and then hold down for 5 seconds. The glue dries really fastly, which is good and bad. If you want to adjust, you have to do it really quickly. Other than that it was a breeze. What takes the longest is picking sizes and filing.

Wear: The claim of no chipping is a true claim from what I can tell. On the first day I had a nail fall off, so I just re-glued. Everyday that I wore these nails, they fell off. To me that is really annoying. I had them on for a little over 4 days, and I couldn't take it anymore. That day 3 nails fell off, I just gave up. I took them all off. So they didn't "chip", but they fell off. I really didn't have them on long enough to test chipping.

Price: I got them at Wal-Mart for less than $5, so that wasn't too bad.
Final Opinion: I have never done fake nails because I have such nice natural nails. Everytime you wear fake nails you damage your natural nails. When I took them all off, my nails felt very rough. My guess as to why they were this way is because a layer of my nail was taken off. I let my nails just go as they are for a whole day, but I had to do something with them because they were bothering me. I buffed my nails to help with the texture, put some nail hardening base coat, and slopped on some nail polish. (China Glaze For Audrey). I don't think I want to mess with fake nails... Maybe for my wedding or a dance, but not anytime soon. Only special occasions, and I think I would just have them professionally done. I'm not really sure. :)

I hoped everyone enjoyed this little review of fake nails. 


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Road Trip!

So in my previous post I talked about the little road trip with my sister. We ate at Chipotle, and it was delicious. I have never actually ate there before and it was soo good. For those of you who haven't heard of Chipotle, it is a Mexican Grill. The main two food dishes are tacos and burritos. I had the burrito and it was huge! I couldn't finish, so I took the rest home. Unfortunately we didn't go home right away, so it sat in the heat for a couple of hours. Needless to say, I threw it away when I got home.

This is a headless shot of what I wore that day. I just took off my makeup when I decided to take a picture of my outfit. The top I got at American Eagle. It is a racerback tank and I paired it with a black cami underneath. It was so hot yesterday that I tried to go for a minimalistic outfit. I paired the shirt with jean shorts by G by Guess. (It is this store that I have at my mall. It's like a sub store of Guess.) I think it is supposed to be a little lower end in prices, but I am not really sure. Anyways they have a great clearance section there and that's where I found these. Flip flops are my shoe of choice during the summer.

I fell in love with the little peace ring that they had on the display by the counter. It is sterling silver, so it is a durable ring. I just really like that it is a little accesory to go on my finger. I am going to start buying more rings to wear now. :) They had the best smelling candles, so I decided to get one. I really love candles, and I thought the lid for this is soo cute. The scent is called Dolche Vita and I burned it while I cleaned my room. It smelled delicious!

Thats it for now! I hope you all are doing great. :)

Do you like the ring?



Hey, Everyone! I got back this weekend, and am doing fine. I know I have been MIA! I don't know what is up with me but I have been feeling sooo tired and sluggish. I haven't been able to fall asleep at night, and it has thrown me off. That is the reason I haven't even given you guys an update. I just unpacked my suitcase and cleaned up my room today. This whole week I have been just really off, but I will resume posting like I was doing before! I have decided to to just push myself and do all the things that I want to do even though I have no energy and feel lazy. :) I have tons of great ideas for future posts so don't worry!

What did I do this week you ask? Monday I was feeling fine, and was really productive. I was busy the whole day and didn't have a chance to blog. All of a sudden Tuesday I was just sooo tired and didn't do anything. I took the day to watch some tv. (I have been watching the second season of Heroes. :) I can't help it I am addicted.) Yesterday I went with my sister on a little road trip. She had to stop by some places and do some errands, but after that we went out to lunch and visited cool little shops. I picked up a couple of things that I will talk about more in a later post. Today I got myself up and got my room cleaned and now I am blogging. By the way I am sooooo hungry right now.

Some future blog posts?
  • My first experience with fake nails. (There was a reason that I haven't done them before.) 
  • Outfit of the day/ what I bought at this little shop
  • Makeup/ nail polish that I bought before my vacation
Those are just some of the immediate ones that I will be writing. Since I have nothing to do right now, I will be a blogging machine and write posts that I will publish in the future!

Everyone is soooo great and I appreciate all the comments I receive. :)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Important Update and Eclipse

Update (Please read, I promise nothing about Twilight :D)
I just wanted to let you guys know that I am leaving this weekend to go on a vacation. I should be back next weekend though. I am thinking of just taking a little blogging break for that week and resume posting when I get back. I will try to write up a post or two, so I can just publish them during the vacation... I haven't really decided so I will keep you guys updated on whether or not I will be doing that. Honestly my little vacation isn't going to be that exciting because I am just staying with a relative of mine. I will probably take some pictures to share with you guys, but I don't really have any plans for that week.
Twilight Talk
On another note I went to see Eclipse today with my sister. We went to the earliest showing hoping to beat any crowds, and we were correct. The theater wasn't that full and everyone stayed quiet during the whole movie. I was dreading having to watch it with people screaming about Edward/ Jacob the whole time. I really enoyed the movie and I have to say it is the best of the Twilight movies that are out so far. I am super excited about Breaking Dawn and am really hoping they split it into two parts like the rumors say. All the actors have been reported saying that they are on board with it being two parts and hope that Summit officially does make it 2 parts. You girls/guys should definitely go see it if you have seen the other two movies.
Am I Team Jacob or Edward you ask? Well that's a tough question... When I read the series I absolutely hated Jacob, and was total team Edward. After reading the series again and watching the movie, I have really sympathized with Jacob. I have learned to really love him. It also doesn't help that Taylor Lautner is cuter than Rob Pattinson. (In my humble opinion) So I have to say for the books: Team Edward, for the movie: Team Jacob. By the way in Eclipse, Jacob is shirtless multiple times.
Was the movie exactly the same as the books? No. They kept the plot mainly intact, and took creative license on it. If you want the EXACT SAME details and plot as the book, than you should probably go read the book. Just saying. The creative licenses that they took were alright with me and helped keep the movie going and not make it last 20 hours.
So that is my opinion on all things Twilight as of right now. Have you read Twilight? Do you love Twilight? Are you planning on seeing Eclipse? Leave me a comment letting me know.
I really love and appreciate everyone who reads this blog whether or not you comment and follow me. If you are reading this leave me a quick comment just to let me know you are there. Please? I'll give you a cookie. ;)
P.S. The poll is still going on, so please vote. I want to get feedback to know how to best improve. I can't improve though if I don't know how much you like this blog. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


So this post is basically going to be a ramble. I am just going to warn you now. :) The color I am wearing on both my hands and toes is Turning Heads Red by Essie. I talk about this color in a previous post. I am assuming that this color is being discontinued because the polish was so discounted. Now I have no idea what is going on with my camera, but all the pictures it takes are blurry to semi- blurry. So sorry this picture looks so off. I promise the color is not at all an orange red, although that's how my crazy camera photographed it. I tried my new Essie Crystal Nail File, and so far I really like it. I heard it is supposed to be less damaging, and I have heard it from a reader that it has helped her nails not peel as much. I suggest this to everyone, but I would like to have a little warning that it feels different than a regular file. If you are have sensitive nails, you may not like it. (I have no idea if I am saying so it makes sense... I have re-written that sentence multiple times. Oh well)

So I have been hooked on the show Heroes. I have been flying through the first season. I watch an episode basically whenever I have the chance. Today I mainly stayed away from that and got some more productive things done today. I am always working to make my blog better so I decided to get a new picture up top and now you can listen to music while you are on my blog. I picked 25 songs that I personally like for you to listen to you. Do you like this new feature or is it annoying? I plan to change up the songs and get new ones every once in awhile. Speaking of tv and such Pretty Little Liars comes on tonight. I have been really into that show because of all the mystery... I have so many questions about what is going on. Some of the characters seem a little predictable, but I can't help but watch it. I just finished re-reading Eclipse because the movie is coming out on June 30. :DDDDDD I am super excited about that. I am not going to the midnight showing though :(. Ok I better stop rambling! I only meant for this to be a quick update post... :} Thanks so much for reading!

P.S. I have a poll going on. Please answer... It's anonymous. :) Thanks!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ulta Haul

On Sunday I was running some errands after Church and I made a stop at Ulta. I thought this would be a fun little post that you guys would enjoy. :) I went to a sporting goods store and picked some boring shorts and such... Without further ado, I should begin my haul!

So I thought it would be best to take one photo of all the products. Do you guys mind?
When I went to Ulta, they had a great little Clearance section, so I will share those items first. They had an Essie nailpolish for $0.99! Can you believe that? It is a gorgeous summer red, and I couldn't resist! I looove nailpolish! The color is Turning Heads Red :) The next great steal is the hair product kit in the back! It has 3 items for only $13. I really wanted a leave-in conditioner and I think this was perfect! It has Sexy Hair's Soy Tri-Wheat Leave In Conditioner (doesn't that just sound soo healthy?), Smooth & Seal Anti-Frizz & Shine Spray, and a water bottle. I thought this was super cool that it was that cheap. Would you guys like a review on any of those hair products?

I picked up an extra NYC Blushable Creme stick for my sister. (As talked about here.) She really loved it so... I just can't help it that I'm that nice! JK! It's really inexpensive, but it is the thought that counts. I got an Essie crystal nail file. I have really wanted one. They are really great because you can use them forever because they never get dull. I also got a cheap Ardell eye lash curler just to try.

Finally, the last product, and one that I am pretty excited for trying... Mario Badesco Drying Lotion. I will do a review for this and let you know what I think about it.

I recently got Netflix and have really been enjoying it! It's bad because I have been watching too much tv and such... I am going to start the shows Heroes and Lost. I know Lost has sooo many fans so I have to start watching it. Especially because it's already over so I don't ever have to wait a week for a new episode.Well I think that's it! Hope you enjoyed it! Leave a comment!



Battle of the Brands

So I know I have heard someone do Battle of the Brands.... But I have no idea when or who it was, so I can't give the credit to them. What this basically means is you take two similar products, but are two different brands and you compare them. Normally you do a high end and low end product, but it doesn't really matter. Anyways I thought I would share my thoughts on a product that has been receiving some serious love in the blogging community: NYC's Blushable Creme Stick. I thought I would do a comparison between this product which is sooo affordable compared to NARS' Multiple in Orgasm.

Product: NYC Blushable Creme Stick

Color: Plaza Pink

Price: $3.99

Location (Where can you find this?): The Drugstore (Walgreens, Rite Aid, Target, etc.)


Product: NARS Multiple

Color: Orgasm

Price: $38

Location: Sephora, Online

So that is the basic information for the products. :)

This the NARS Multiple. I personally own the mini version of this, but it is the same product nonetheless. The Sephora website says it "imparts the radiant peachy pink with shimmer to the eyes, cheeks, lips, and decolletage.

PROS: The procuct is very silky... I mean it just feels so smooth and soo easy to blend. I just love the packaging of NARS products... I really do :) It has no smell, which I like. It does have a LOT of shimmer (depending on what type of person you are this depends.

CONS: The price is way too high in my opinion. This product is basically shimmer, and no color really. Once you blend it in the color disappears. Beware that it is basically gold shimmer.

This is a picture of the Creme Stick obviously :P. I took it in my own back yard to make the picture more intersting...

PROS: The price is great, especially for how great this product is. The color is gorgeous with just the perfect amount of shimmer in my opinion.

CONS: The packaging to me is very drugstore looking. (Some may not care, but I thought I would point that out. I, personally, don't really care.) The product also smells a little drugstorey (haha that word is totally made up right now on the spot) but once you apply it you can't smell it.

Insert picture of me owning more than one. :) I actually bought the extra one for my sister because she loves this product.

SWATCH TIME! hehe OK so this Plaza Pink. The one on the bottom is not blended, but the one on the top is. Sorry for the darkness. I know this picture isn't the best quality... oh well I can only work on it.

This is a picture of Orgasm on top and Plaza Pink on the Bottom. They both are unblended. Look how little color Orgasm has! This picture really is true to life.

Verdict: Get the drugstore one. In my opinion this NARS multiple in particular is not worth the money.

I hope you enjoyed this! Do you want more of Battle of the Brand? What would you buy? Let me know in the comments!


P.S. GO GET YOURSELF A CREME STICK!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have heard Plaza Pink goes great with Benefit's Coralista... Just thought I would let you know. :) Also an Ulta haul will be going up tomorrow.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Bittersweet Symphony-- The Verve

This is such a cute tag! You get a little look into what people's music taste is! Everyone feel free to do this tag. I got this lovely tag from *Viva La Fashion*
The Rules
1. Put your ipod/ Mp3/ iTunes on shuffle.
2.For each question press the next button to get your answer.
3.You must write down the name of the song no matter how silly it sounds.
Now onto pregunta numero uno (spanish for question number one. just showing off my skills... haha just kidding I have only taken one class on spanish . :)
If someone says "Is this okay?" you say:
Good Life -- Kanye West
How would you describe yourself?
I Can See Clearly Now-- Johnny Nash
What do you like in a guy/ girl?
Free Fallin'-- Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
What is your life's purpose?
Just A Girl-- No Doubt
What do your friends think of you?
Fluorescent Adolescent-- Arctic Monkeys
What do your parents think of you?
Lovegame-- Lady Gaga Ok that is wrong..... Haha you can tell this is totally random...
What do you think about very often?
Fall For You-- Secondhand Serenade
What do you think of the person you like?
Broken-Hearted Girl-- Beyonce
My music taste really is random. Lately I have been really liking alternative bands. I like oldies, a little rap, pop, alternative that kind of thing. Leave a comment if you want to do this tag. :P)
P.S. As for the title, I put my iPod on shuffle and this is the song that came up. :)

Long Time, No See

So I know I haven't posted in forever! Things are going to change now though. I had computer problems, which made blogging difficult... I have been taking it easy and really enjoying the summer weather. (Except it seems to storm 90% of the time. So more correctly, I enjoy the weather when it is nice.) I have ton of reviews and ideas of blog posts that I am going to be doing. I just wanted to make a quick post explaining myself. I really want to be a more active part of the beauty blogging world. Leave a comment of any of the blogs that you really enjoy. I really like fashion/ makeup blogs. :) I know I make a lot of promises to make a post about this or that and I haven't really been following through! I am so sorry, and things are going to change ASAP!
Some Ideas for Blog Posts:
-MAC's Select MoistureCover vs. Clinque's All About Eyes Concealer. I would take about the coverage of dark undereye circles and blemishes.
-My Hair Products (Shampoo, Conditioner, Mousse, and Such.
-Nail of the Day (I will post a new one every time I change my nail color. (Unless in case of being extreme busy or if it is a color I already have posted here.)
-Favorite Products of the Month. Would you prefer at the end of the month or beginning of the next month? I know it doesn't really matter, but I am just wondering.
-Hauls? Possibly if you guys are interested. Clothes and makeup? If I showed clothes would you rather I wore and took a picture or if I just showed what it was?
-Product Raves. If I had a product that I really was loving, I would tell you guys about it.
-Vanity Tour. The organization of my vanity and the set up?
Alright so those were just some ideas I had. Leave me some love in the comments please!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Better You

I have decided that I need to become healthier. I'm not really going on a diet... it's more like a lifestyle change. I want to start running and working out, eating healthier, taking vitamins, etc. You only have one life to live so why not be healthy. Starting Friday I will be running in the mornings, and really beginning my healthier lifestyle. This change doesn't mean that I will never eat unhealthy again, but hopefully less. I'm really tired of having extra little fat that I think I can easily get rid of. I am not going to really keep track of weight or anything.... more just how I feel and look overall. Hopefully by the end of summer I will reap some rewards of my hard work. I will do random updates on my progress and share secrets, tips, and what not with you guys!

On another note, I want to get into self tanners (sunless tan). I want to be tanner, but not because of the sun. Tanning from the sun (that also includes tanning beds!! They are just as bad and possibly even worse!!!!!!!) can be very unhealthy and have serious consequences... I'm just saying. Right now I am starting of with Jergens Natural Glow in medium. I will see if it really works or not and let you know. Next week is finals!!! And then the school year is over. I have been so busy, hence the no posts and all. Oh well I promise to keep you guys updated! I am going to go shopping later on today... so haul later?? Ehh anyone?? Haha I will probably do one if you guys want.


Did you all like the quotes in the last post? Do you want more? Leave me a comment!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

End of the Year

So this school year is ending quickly, and I have so much I need to do. I have 100000 projects and finals are rapidly approaching. Not to mention I have work. I have been wanting to spend more time on my blog, but I really haven't had the time. I am so sorry. I would love to post really frequently, but it's difficult. Anyways enough of my sad woes. I came on here to ask suggestions for what I should post. Do you like nail of the days, rambles, fashion?? Leave me a comment and let me know. Also if you could share the love and tell others about my blog, it would be totally appreciated. (Not that I am saying you have to.) I am also wondering about makeup tutorials also in blog posts... I am a little iffy on posting pictures to random people though... This blog post is ending up to be pretty pointless. Haha I just felt the need to post something.

I was thinking of doing a favorites of the month, but I think it is too late into the month. Let me know if you would be interested in one next month.

Have a lovely week everyone. Happiness is a state of mind, so let's all focus on positive thoughts.

If you want to be happy, be. - Leo Tolstoy

You never know what life is like, until you have lived it. -Marilyn Monroe

Peace. it does not mean to be in a place where there is no trouble, noise, or hard work. it means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart. - Lady Gaga

Monday, May 3, 2010

Wish List

Hey everyone! I just wanted to do an update for you guys. I really need to get into a schedule to make sure I update regularly. I have been working a lot lately and I have some extra money to spend. I decided to make a list of things that I want the most right now to get and I plan to get them this weekend. Hopefully... :) I have been super busy so we'll see if I will have time for that. Lately I have been wanting a ton of makeup items, so I tried to narrow it down to a few that I really want.

1. I want a MAC bronzer because I am low on the one I have right now. Currently I have a MAC bronzer in Refined Golden, but I have hit pan. Since I have some extra money I really should go out and get one. I am thinking about getting the one is Golden, but I will have to take a look in person. ($22)

2. This is MAC's new Chromographic Eye Pencil. I have heard so many great reviews on it. People say it really brightens up your eye without looking as harsh as a white eyeliner. I don't know about you, but to me it looks pretty cool. I will be getting the shade NW 15/20. ($14.50)

3. This is a MAC lipstick. The picture is no particular color that I want. I have 6 items from MAC that I would like Back to MAC for a free one. I will probably end up picking a light pink color. Definitely not the bright red shown here.

4. This is Clinique's All About Eyes Concealer. I have been using MAC's Select Moisturecover Concealer for awhile now, but I want to mix things up now. I have heard really good reviews about it and I am really excited to try it out. I have dark circles under my eyes that I love to conceal. (Don't worry, I know I make it sound like I have bruises or something. Haha they are genetic and are a pesky flaw that I can cover up pretty well.) ($15.50)

Everything after number 4 won't be in the picture I just thought I would share some other wishes. ;)

5. MAC makeup wipes. I really like them to remove my makeup at night. They are really nice and I like the smell. The reason I buy these is because they end up being pretty close to the price of drugstore ones. (Plus drugstores don't have a back to MAC policy lol.) ($26 for 100 wipes)

6. I don't know if I will actually get this too soon... but this is Benefit's High Beam Highlighter. I have been wanting one for awhile now, but after reading this blogpost. Check her out she is really sweet. :) ($24)

6. Urban Defense Tinted Moisturizer SPF 20 by Urban Decay. *Sigh* I want this really badly but currently is only available online. I really want to wait till it comes out in stores, so I can look at the product myself. I just don't like buying makeup online. ($32)

Ok, so this post was pretty long. I hope you enjoyed it though. What products have you been lusting over? Leave a comment!


Thursday, April 29, 2010

NARS So Famous Set

I got this set during the Sephora 15% off deal. They didn't have it at my store, so they sent it to me through mail. Overall I wouldn't have bought the set again, but I have fallen in love with NARS. The one thing I hate is the price... oh well that's life. The packaging is really nice (I'm not a big fan of how dirty it can get) and the mirror is helpful. You can get this set here ($44).
This set comes with the blush Deep Throat $26, Orgasm Multiple (Comes with a mini one but the full size costs $38.), and a lip pencil in Bettina $24. This set is valued at $61. It was nice to try out some of NARS products for a cheaper price. I know I said before that I wouldn't personally buy it, but I'm not 100% sure on that. I guess only time will tell how much I actually end up using this.

Deep Throat: NARS is known for its risque names, and this one doesn't disappoint. The website says this is a peach with shimmer, and it is peachy but I would definitely say it has more pink to it. It is a peach but a pinky peach (?? I guess that is how I would describe this). I compared it to my MAC's Fun and Games blush, which definitely is a peach, and Deep Throat has a lot more pink to it. It is nicely pigmented, but I do like to blend it a little. No one wants to look like a clown. If you aren't as fair as me, you won't have to deal with blending I'm pretty sure. It lasts longer than MAC blushes, but not quite an 8 hour day.

Bettina: This lip pencil is very neutral and blends in with my lip color. Ever since I have had it I have only used it to test it out. It doesn't really excite me, and it seems like a darker neutral for spring. If you are looking for a nice neutral lip pencil it may be for you. I think it is a little over priced though and would look else where.

Orgasm Multiple Mini: This really is mini compared to the full size. I am kind of disappointed in NARS for making it that tiny. This set wasn't a ridiculously good deal either. When I swatched this on my hand I couldn't tell any color and all I saw was the gold sparkles. It had a creamy texture, but I was worried with the pigmentation. Needless to say I tried it on and the color looks really nice on my face. It does have a bit of sparkle still and I am worried in the bright sun if that will look crazy... I haven't really tested the staying power for this but if you would like me to, I can do an update telling you more.

Overall I think I could have gotten away with just getting the blush. The Multiple is nice, and I will probably use it all, but I don't think I would repurchase. I don't think it is worth almost $40 for. I am thinking about giving the lip pencil away because I just don't see myself ever using it... Like I said this set would be good for some, but I think I should have just gotten a blush.
Are any of you girls interested in this set? Leave me a comment!

DISCLAIMER: I am not affiliated with this company at all. I purchased everything by myself

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Nail Polish and Other Life Updates

Total computer fail right now... I meant to do a post yesterday but my computer wont even let me log on to it, so I decided to go on another one to have a new post. It isn't letting me put up my photos... Anyways I went to Ulta on Sunday and got 4 nail polishes for $11. Ulta had a buy 2, get 1 free deal going on and I had some coupons. I had a free nailpolish for my Ulta rewards and a $5 off coupon. YAY for good deals. :D I also went to Sephora and got the NARS So Famous set which I will do a review later on another post. (So comment below and tell me to do that!)

This color is called Pinking of You and its by OPI. I really like it but it is a bit sheer for me. I had to apply 3 coats to really see the color. I think next time I will put 1 coat of a white nail polish and 2 coats of this after. This is an all age kind of color and is appropriate for all work environments. Sorry for the messy application. I am working on it.. I am just so used to applying it crazily at night and peeling off the mess around my nails in the shower.

This color is Turquoise & Caicos. It is painted on 4 of my nails, but my thumb is For Audrey by China Glaze to show you how similar they are. Essie's version is a little more greener, but not worth having both for. It has sheer application and you must have 3 coats. (I was disappointed that is was so close but don't get me wrong it is still a beautiful color.) This is from Essie's 2010 Summer collection.

This is also from Essie's summer collection and is called Lapis of Luxury. It is a very gorgeous... sky blue? It is lighter in person than in this photograph. I'm pretty sure it was 3 coats. Most of Essie's formula is just sheer. But in this collection the colors are buildable so you can get good pigmentation out of them.

This one is called Playa Del Platinum. (For those who don't speak any Spanish it means Platinum Beach. I think it is a fitting name.) I really like this color and I am wearing it on my nails right now. It is a great nude color for summer. It is a bit gray sand color>>> which is like the name. :) Haha :) I really wish I would have gotten the other color in this collection (Splash of Grenadine) instead of Turquoise & Caicos.
I hope you guys enjoyed this! Please comment!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Sephora and More

As many of you know, Sephora is having a 15% off sale! You get 15% percent off your whole purchase online or in stores. The only catch is that you are a beauty insider (which is free). Go to www.sephora.com to check it out. I suggest becoming a beauty insider because it is free and you get to know about new product, promotions, deals, and many other things going on at Sephora. Tomorrow I plan to make a quick stop at my Sephora in JCPenney. I would love to go to an actual store but the closest one to me is about 40 minutes. Even though I'll be getting 15% off, I don't know if I can justify going out of my way for that. I really wanted to get the NARS So Famous Set, but the Sephora in JCPenney doesn't sell any NARS. :( That's a bummer. The sale is April 12-19. I know it is about to end, but I thought I would let anyone reading this know about this sale. A couple of things are out of stock online because of this sale, so hurry up and take a look. On another note, I hope to get some clothes to freshen up my wardrobe for spring. The weather is getting so nice and I feel like I have barely anything springy. I just love the trends going around for spring, so I am excited to see what is out in stores. Would anyone like a clothing/ makeup haul to see what I got?? Anyone? Haha I know I will be lucky to even have 1 comment on this post, but I still think it is fun to write. I know in the previous post I promised some pictures and such but they got deleted accidently. It's not like anyone really reads this.... I am thinking about doing more nail of the days which I will probably include in posts about other things or make a post all by itself with that. I have been lusting after several nail polishes specifically, and Ulta is having a buy 2 get one free deal... So we will see how that goes. Plus I have a free polish for Ulta rewards. That may mean that stop into Ulta for a quick look tomorrow also. I am really excited about Urban Decay's new tinted moisturizer. I am just worried that there lightest shade may be too dark for me, so I am waiting for it to come out in stores to check it out in person. I heard the formula is really nice but the pump on it is a pain in the butt and the packaging is a bit cheesy. Normally I really like Urban Decay's packaging, but I think I agree with the blogger's reviews. I think it would be the greatest thing to be sent products to review and try out. I don't really think that will ever happen, but hey who nows. I have to get better at blogging more often. If you are reading this leave a comment please. :) I don't even care if it is anonymous!


Saturday, March 27, 2010


I have so many blogposts that I want to put up. Today I got some really exciting finds from Target and Sally's. I will do a post on what I got later, but I need to upload the photos to the computer, and I am feeling pretty lazy. I am trying to post as frequently as I can, but it has proven itself to be difficult. I was watching Julie and Julia today and it gave me hope to keep writing on my blog. People could be reading it, but they aren't leaving comments. I have barely posted anything so I am not too discouraged.

Right now I am wearing China Glaze's Heli-YUM from the Up, Up, & Away Collection. I am really falling in love with China Glaze. I still love OPI, but China Glaze is just as nice, and it is cheaper. I am a nail polish junkie. I have so many nail polishes that I bought and haven't even used yet. Can someone say addiction? I realize I have that problem, and I'm working on it. I absolutely love makeup too, but I don't buy it in as big of quantities as nail polish. I will try really hard to post my haul tomorrow...

My mom did the sweetest thing for me and bought me some candles from this little shop. They will be in the pictures in the upcoming post. This post is jumping from one thing to the next. I really am just typing what I am thinking. Oh I got New Moon today. I couldn't help it when I was at Target. I also have the Twilight special addition. Normally I wait for DVDs to be cheap but I really like the Twilight series. Twilight was a cheesy movie, but I still loved it. I'm a bit of a fan since I fell in love with the books. They were so addicting. I love reading, but rarely do I find a book that I stay up till 3 AM even though I know I have to wake up early the next day.

Alright so I think that is all I had to say for a quick post. PS You will see in my next post, but I have been trying to have more artistic pictures that aren't just plain jane. Comment and tell me how you like them. That is if you are reading this.......


Monday, March 22, 2010


Alright so I know I promised great things about posting once everyday for a week, but I couldn't. School makes it very difficult to do this, so I guess I shouldn't promise things I can't keep. I justify it with not very many people reading this blog... haha. Onto the reason why I decided to post. On Saturday I really wanted to relax and forget the stress of the previous week. I had the house to myself, so I watched some tv, did some homework yadayadayada. I painted my nails Do You Lilac It? by OPI, the perfect spring color. Except it snowed on Saturday, and it was chilly on Sunday. Last week was the perfect sunny warm weather and then this weekend happened.

Sorry for the messy paint job and what not. Everytime I paint my nails I will try to take a picture, so I can post it on the blog. I will also get better at taking the picture I hope. I also did my Queen Helene Mint Julep mask which I love. (got it at ulta, but I think you can find it at some drugstores) I went to dinner with my sister and saw Shutter Island which was pretty good. Definately not what I thought it would be plot wise. Go see if you have some money and time. I was thinking about seeing Remember Me, and I still want to see it, but the reviews were pretty bad. I think that movie is something I will go rent. On Sunday I did a little shopping at Victoria's Secret. I absolutely love their PINK line. It's a little expensive, but I love it. I have been buying waaay too many things from there. I thought I would include some pictures of what I got.
This is a V- neck tshirt dress which I got for $10. I am a part of the PINK nation and I get little deals like this all the time. I have gotten a free undie and perfume sample also. Join http://www.vspink.com/ This isn't available online so I had to take a picture of it myself. I would rather have a model show it off, but no luck. This is so much cuter on than it looks. I would pair it with black leggings, but you could wear it by itself I think.

This next thing is this floral dress. It is so cute! I am going to wear it as my Easter dress with a small black cardigan that I have had forever. I will definitely wear it during the summer and spring. This gets me so excited to get more spring/ summer clothes. I hope to do haul type blog posts! Tell me what you think. I purchased everything mentioned, and I am not involved with any companies. Have a great day!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Ok so I don't really have anything to post today. Let's just say that today was not a great day.... Anyways I guess I can do a product rave... I really love Aussie's 3 minute miracle in moist. It is a great deep conditioner that is quick so I can use it on a regular basis. I usually buy these deep conditioners that you have to leave in for 15 minutes and then rinse off. For my busy schedule, I really can't do that. This product smells so good, reminds me of a pina colada and its reasonably priced.

Monday, March 15, 2010

40 Beauty Questions TAG

Ok so I thought this would be a great break the ice kind of blog.. haha. Anyways this is 40 questions that many bloggers have already answered. I absolutely love reading these so I hope you will too. :)


How many times do you wash your face daily?

I try so hard to do it 2 times a day. I am really bad at night, even though that is more important because you want to wash off your makeup. When my laziness wins I just use a MAC makeup wipe and off to bed I go.

What type of skin do you have? (dry, oily combo)

I have combo. I tend to be a little greasy in my t-zone but the rest of my face is on the dryer side.

What is your current face wash"

Mary Kay's Velocity Facial Cleanser (I have been really wanting to try the Clinique 3 step system. We will see I guess)

Do you exfoliate?


What brand do you use?

I have this Clean and Clear Morning Facial thing that is kind of exfoliating. I really need to get a real exfoliater though. >>>>>>>
What moisturizer do you use?
Mary Kay Velocity Lightweight Moisturizer (again i want the 3 step)
Do you have freckles?
Do you use an eye cream?
Nope, but I really need to...
Did you or do you have acne prone skin?
No, and thank God!
Did you ever have to use Pro-activ?
No I have heard mixed reviews. It works for some, doesn't for others. And it doesn't claim to be a miracle worker either...
What foundation do you use?
I don't use one at the current moment.
How about concealer?
I use MAC's Select Moisturecover in NW15 (I use this for under eye circles that I am cursed with)
Do you knwo your undertone color?
I am not really sure about this but I think I am cool with pink undertones.
What do you think of fake eyelashes?
Never used them... They look pretty though.
Did you know you are supposed to change your mascara every 3 months?
Yes, but I don't really follow that at all.
What brand of mascara do you use?
Loreal Telescopic I believe.
Sephora or MAC?
MAC because I don't have any big Sephora's by me. But I really love Sephora :(
Do you have a MAC pro card?
No, but I wish
What makeup tools do you use in makup application?
Mainly brushes and fingers.
Do you always use a base/primer for your eyes?
Yes Urban Decay Primer Potion
For the face?
What is your favorite eyeshadow (color or shade)?
Mainly neutral colors. I really wish I had the guts to wear brighter shades.
Do you use pencil or liquid liner?
How ofter do you poke your eyes with an eyeliner pencil?
I don't think I ever have.
What do you think of pigment eyeshadows? Beautiful, but tooo too messy for me
Do you use mineral makeup?
If MAC's mineralized skinfinish counts..
What is your favorite lipstick?
I don't really wear lipstick.
MAC's dazzleglass in goldilocks. loveee
What is your favorite blush to use?
I only have one blush right now :( and its MAC's fun and games from hello kitty.
Do you buy makeup on Ebay?
Do you like drugstore makeup?
Depends, but for the most part yes
Do you go to CCO's?
If I can
Did you ever consider taking makeup classes?
I would love to
Are you clumsy with putting on makeup?
Sometimes in the morning
Name a makeup crime that you hate.
TOO MUCH BLACK EYELINER. You look like you have racoon eyes if you don't work with it correctly.
Do you like colorful shades or neutral shades of makeup?
Probably neutral
Which celebrity always has great makeup?
Hmmm Blake Lively, Kim Kardashian, and Lauren Conrad
If you could leave the house with only ONE makeup item, what would it be?
Could you ever leave the house without makeup on?
Do you think you look good without makeup?
In your opinion, what is the best makeup line?
MAC I think....
What do you think about makeup?
Love it :)
WHEEEEEWW that was alot. Do this tag on your own blog and leave me a link. I would love to see your responses!


Welcome to this Blog

This is my first blogpost for this blog. I have been really inspired by some of the blogs I follow, and have decided to do one myself. I have done a blog before, but I never really got into it. This blog will be about makeup, fashion, hair, and nails. (pretty much everything beauty related lol :P) Please follow and leave comments! Tell other people about this blog too. Anyways to start of this blog I will try to do at least one blog post per day. After the first week I will try to update a couple times a week. I would really love all the feedback I can get :). This blog will pretty much have everything and anything on it. This is just the intro to the blog, and I will hopefully post something else today that is more interesting than this. Ok well I don't think I can ramble too much longer.... Have a nice day! :)
